“Learning another language raises awareness of the multilingual and multicultural world and introduces an international dimension to pupils’ learning, giving them an insight into their own culture and those of others.”

It is intended that when children leave Yanwath Primary School, they will have a natural curiosity and confidence to explore other countries, cultures and languages, accepting that, in a multi-lingual society, it is a valuable skill to be able to communicate effectively with others in another language. They will be engaged and prepared to continue language learning at their chosen secondary school.


In Early Years and in Key Stage One, although French is not yet explicitly taught, teachers make meaningful links to the language through song and rhyme using aspects of the KS2 curriculum such as numbers and birthdays where possible. They participate in celebrations and other cultural events. Children with EAL will be acknowledged and aspects of their language celebrated.

In Key Stage Two, children begin to learn French- the school’s chosen modern language- as their statutory entitlement. This language is taught at both of our feeder secondary schools.

The children follow a progressive curriculum which provides small steps for children to move forwards with their language learning and enables them to have the foundation from which to move forwards into secondary education.