The 5p Challenge starts Monday 9th September and will run up until Christmas!
There will be 2 litre bottles in each classroom, the challenge is between the classes to see who can collect the most!
Please can parents support the little ones particularly with this challenge to give them a fair chance of winning.
All of the money raised will go back into the school, so it really is just a bit of fun at the end of the day.
Each 2-litre bottle can hold over £100!!!
PFK and The Cosy Cup café have kindly joined us and are taking on the challenge to collect 5ps for us. They will individually compete to try to raise as much as possible – they have asked for nothing in return.
The winning class will receive 50% off all money raised to decide with their teacher what they would like to spend it on for their classroom/ school.
The remaining 50% will be looked after by FOYS, until the next time that school needs their support.
This will run up until Christmas, and we will give you an update at October half term with how its going!
The competition is the idea of and is being run by a year 4 child and FOYS are supporting and assisting.